Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Summer Getaway

Summer vacation is probably the happiest period in a student's life. In plains this lasts for about two months. These vacations generally commence from the second week of May every year. The purpose of the summer vacation is multifold.
One is relaxation. A student gets fatigued after the end of the annual examination. He needs rest to recoup health and vitality. The second purpose is to tide over the unbearable heat of the summer months. The third purpose is to provide a chance to a student to make up his deficiency in any particular subject. It also gives an opportunity to meto visit new places. Travelling is an experience and has with it educative value.
It gives us a time to unwind and a time to spend with our family and friends, summer vacation had turned out once more. I was very happy as I forget about the daily puzzle and routine of school. I was unsure about my plan of summer vacation and was behaving like drifter. I know that everybody is looking for a class to end so this is the time to unwind myself from all the stress that i get during class hours. During summer vacation i always tend to be lazy like sleeping late at night and other things i didnt do during school days. Summer vacation is always fun bcoz i always have time with my family, and when its the time of summer, this is the time that i am free from homeworks, projects, quizzes in diff subj that is very stressing. 
As time passed by, you begin to wonder where the summer went. As it is with every summer, there seems never to be enough time to enjoy all the simple and memorable things.

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